Family + Community = ‘Ohana - May 15

ʻOhana, like love, like God, might not be easy to describe with words. Sometimes it takes actions and verbs and movement to better capture what these ideas mean. I share this photo of friends at Union Station Homeless Services's Thanksgiving Dinner in the Park because we can see love pouring out of these three individuals. They are helping and being present with people who need them most. As they pour out love, together, they receive it back. They share in it. And they learn to do this from generation to generation. I see ʻohana here. I see love in motion. I see Good News.

Mel Soriano

Mel Soriano is a postulant in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. Currently, he is studying at Bexley Seabury Seminary and serves St. Alban's in Westwood and The Gathering. His weekday job is in technology. Mel enjoys travel and walking, both of which contribute to his repeated walks on the Camino de Santiago. He's leading a group pilgrimage in summer 2023 so contact him if you are interested.

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