Diversity - May 23

This Easter, we read Luke’s story of Jesus’s resurrection. Luke describes that “Suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them.”

Two angels. Why two?

I had to go back and read the end of each of the other three Gospels – Matthew, Mark, and John – to confirm that they all tell this little bit of the story in a different way. Sure enough, it’s:

One angel in Matthew, who rolls back the stone and sits on it. (Playful, isn’t it?)

One “young man” in Mark, sitting on the right side of where Jesus had lain.

Two angels in John, sitting perfectly symmetrical at the head and feet.

Two “men in dazzling clothes” in Luke, not inside the tomb itself, but standing beside the three women.

Could Luke be saying that The Good News is something so weighty, so important, so controversial, so unbelievable, so mysterious, so joyful…. that no one should carry it alone? And that we will need to bring our unique perspective to add, in order for the story to be complete? 

Katie Nakamura Rengers

Katie Nakamura Rengers is an Episcopal priest in Birmingham, Alabama, where she lives with her husband, Josiah, and two little girls. She currently serves as the Presiding Bishop's Staff Officer for Church Planting.

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